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Why choose us

Leomikao - a simple way to harmony in the kitchen

Our goals are ambitious - solutions that transform your kitchen into a new world where everything obeys simple rules: environmental friendliness, impeccable design, perfection of engineering solutions.

Leomikao products (food waste shredders, kitchen faucets, kitchen accessoriesbenefit our customers, partners, and the planet. The concept is simple:

  • our solutions and systems work - they become part of your new world, and work so efficiently that you stop noticing them;
  • you can't ignore them, because thanks to their original design they become the basis of your interior ;< /o:p>
  • you live in harmony with your surroundings the world, and it makes you stronger: you are confident in the future;
  • the time continuum  for our developments is not defined: we create products whose operational and consumer characteristics will be relevant tomorrow.

The dream that unites us with customers

Leomikao is a young Ukrainian brand, the founder of which is an entrepreneur Leonid Yefanov. "Kitchen, the place where gadgets should be concentrated, which will be maximally useful to humans, will create a minimal environmental burden on ecosystem, thus contributing to the harmonious coexistence of nature and man", - the main goal and dream of the founder of the brand.

Техника для кухни: измельчители, смесители, аксессуары

Last reviews
Нарешті знайшла систему, яка поєднує компактність і високу якість очищеної води. Рекомендую всім!..
Очень рад, что выбрал Leomikao Excellent Health. Вода чище, чем когда-либо, и установка была легкой и быстрой...
Я всегда мечтала о таком измельчителе, который сможет справиться с любыми пищевыми отходами. Leomikao LM-75 Slim оправдал мои ожидания...
З моменту встановлення цього подрібнювача харчових відходів моя кухня перетворилася. Він справді зробив моє життя легшим. Дякую!..
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